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Use this hook if you want to have a customizable counter that changes a value by a certain amount (settings.stepSize) every x milliseconds (settings.interval). A start value (settings.start) can also be defined.

Note: By default, the counter is stopped on mount and has to be started manually. If you want the counter to start immediately on mount, use options.startOnMount.

If you want a counter that counts up by 1 every second, you can use the useTimer() hook.

If you want a counter that starts at a certain number and stops at another, use useCountdown().


A regular timer that counts up every second (default)

import { useCounter } from 'react-timing-hooks'

// this will count upwards every second
const [counter] = useCounter({ 
  start: 0, 
  interval: 1000, 
  stepSize: 1,
  startOnMount: true

return <span>{counter}</span>




Name Default Description
settings.start 0 The initial value of the counter
settings.interval 1000 The duration between each counter step
settings.stepSize 1 The amount that is added after each counter step
settings.startOnMount false If true, the counter will immediately start on mount. If false, it has to be started manually via start().

Return value

An Array of [counterValue, intervalControls].

The first array item is the current counter value (starting at settings.start). This will change every settings.interval ms by settings.stepSize.

The second value is an object of interval controls (start, stop, pause, etc.), see useInterval().