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Use this hook if you want to execute something (like css updates, or Web GL rendering) in an animation frame loop at roughly 60FPS in your React component.

You can pause or stop the loop via the returned control callbacks. Pausing will make the hook still running on an animation frame loop, but without executing your callback. Stopping will completely halt it and cancel any open animation frame requests, just as if you would unmount it. If performance is important to you, you should stop the loop instead of pausing it whenever possible.

Note: By default, the loop is stopped on mount and has to be started manually. If you want the loop to start immediately on mount, use options.startOnMount.

The browser will call your function approximately 60 times a second (60 FPS) if the performance of your app allows it. See window.requestAnimationFrame() to learn more about the inner workings of “animation frames”.


```typescript jsx import { useRef } from ‘react’ import { useAnimationFrameLoop } from ‘react-timing-hooks’

const Renderer = () => { const delta = useRef(0) const canvasRef = useRef(null) const canvas = canvasRef.current const context = canvas.getContext(‘2d’)

const updateCanvas = (d) => { context.fillStyle = ‘#000000’ context.fillRect(d, d, context.canvas.width, context.canvas.height) }

const { start, stop, isStopped } = useAnimationFrameLoop(() => { delta.current += 1 updateCanvas(delta.current) })

return <> <canvas ref={canvasRef} {…props}/> <button onClick={isStopped ? start : stop}> {isStopped ? “Start rendering” : “Stop rendering”} </button> </> } ```



useAnimationFrameLoop(cb, options = {})

Name Default Description
callback This argument is required Function that will be called on every (available) animation frame
options.startOnMount false If true, the counter will immediately start on mount. If false, it has to be started manually via start().

Return value

This hook has no return value.